Beautiful things for you and your home...

Beautiful things for you and your home...
Brighton Store

Tuesday, 16 June 2009

Take That!

We just have to share with you our excitement and sheer giddiness with which we are embracing Take That and their current Circus Tour! Some of us girls here are ardent fans, some of us have far better things to think about (although I don't know quite what?), and the rest think the ardent fans are completely crazy and obsessed (which we are ... about Howard). One of us has just been to see the boys in Sunderland, and is still coming down from the high (and dreaming about meeting Howard), and we are off to see them again in July ... at Wembly!! What a night that will be ... it could be, the greatest night of our lives. Of course we shall report back with all the news from the show .... the excitement is building already (for some of us)!!

Two special Lou's ...

Wow, what a weekend we've had! Plenty of sunshine and plenty of great sales of our gorgeous Mimi bags! One shining star in particular is the 'baby-lou' which is very special because of its unique silver fabric and it looks great with absolutely everything. It is our most popular bag by far this season and is flying out the door quicker than we can re-order! I always wonder who, or what, sparks a particular trend, why some things suddenly sell out quicker than others, particularly when we can't always rely on celebrity endorsement. So I'm going to put this trend down to the very first person I know to get a 'baby-lou' , and she is one of our very own shining stars, at our Brighton boutique, and guess what her name is ..............Lou!

Thursday, 11 June 2009

Our famous sundress is back!

Sometimes you just can't get enough of a good thing ... and that's how we, and all of our wonderful customers, feel about our pretty sundress which we keep on bringing back year after year. It is the prettiest sundress we think you will ever find, in gorgeous colours - we are doing rose, reef, turquoise and white this year - and is sprinkled with gold sequins which will sparkle in the sunshine! We have two colours available on-line or you can call the shop and order over the phone 01273 220380

Tuesday, 9 June 2009

Welcome to our blog!

Welcome to lavender/room's blog where we hope to share with you all our latest news from our store in Brighton, exciting new product news, style tips and general chit chat about all things fashion and lifestyle!